Jonathan D. Wille

Postdoctoral researcher @ ETH Zurich


CHN N 18

Universitätstrasse 16

8092 Zürich, Switzerland

Hi there! My name is Dr. Jonathan D. Wille and I’m a Meteorologist with a focus on extreme weather events and impacts.

Prior to my current position here at ETH Zurich, I researched extreme weather impacts on the Antarctic ice sheet primarily through examining polar atmospheric river behavior and hydrological impacts. I liked to study the full life-cycle of these extreme events from their large-scale dynamical origins and tropical teleconnections through their final impacts on the Antarctic ice sheet in regard to surface mass balance, ice-shelf stability, and paleoclimate implications.

Now I’m taking a similar philosophy with my current research by studying the simulation of mid-latitude extreme precipitation and drought from the latest generation storm-resolving global climate models within the nextGEMS project. With two next-generation convection-permitting Earth-system models, the goal is to see whether the proper resolution of tropical convection influences the teleconnection with the mid-latitude jet stream. My plan is to first research how extreme precipitation events are resolved and then see how they might change in the next 30 years in response to changes in jet dynamics.

Outside of research, you’ll often find me making amateur weather forecasts for my friends and then annoying them with random weather facts.